
Table of Contents

Request Plan Numbers

Applicant Contacts from surveying organisations can request plan numbers in SPEAR. If a fee is payable, this must be paid by credit card. The plan numbers will be sent to your organisation's email inbox in a spreadsheet.

The following plan number types can be requested in SPEAR:

Type Fee Limit per transaction
PS $10.00 100
PC $10.00 100
TP No charge 10
OP No charge 5


You will need to complete the following to request plan numbers:

  1. From the Application List screen, select 'Request Plan Numbers' from the top-right menu
  2. Enter the quantity of each plan number type you wish to request and click 'next'. You may also need to select your customer code, if you have multiple
  3. An order confirmation is displayed. Click 'purchase' to proceed
  4. If a fee payment is required, you will be redirected to the Westpac credit card gateway to make payment. After payment (or immediately, if no payment is required) a SPEAR confirmation screen will be displayed
  5. An email will be sent to your organisation’s email inbox containing an invoice/record for the request
  6. Please allow a few minutes after ordering for the plan numbers to be issued and sent to your organisation’s email inbox in a spreadsheet.